What my assumptions are for this site

I am writing this blog because I want to explore how to build a more satisfying life.  I hope to give advice on the foundations to a Satisfying and Healthy life for anyone who is interested.  From my point of view there are four foundations in which to build a better life.  The foundations are (1) The body, this includes nutrition, exercise, quiting bad habits and, a wellness plan. (2) Mind and Spirit which includes learning, faith, meditation, and happiness.  (3) Relationships to include significant other, friends, family and aquaintences. and the last foundation (4) Finances which includes career, spending , revenue and, savings.

The foundations will have a lot of crossover with each other but it is the assumption that these four foundations are the key to all of life’s door to a satisfying happy life.

Therefore if you body is in great condition and you use your mind to learn to be the best you can and you have a supporting and loving circle of friends and family, with fulfilling work that allows you to take care of your needs and wants you will have a life where you will feel satisfaction and happiness.

I will also welcome comments and recommendations from readers.  I will also begin to post on this a couple of times per week.  I hope you will enjoy it!!

Author: claudetimothy

I'm an attorney, a writer, a teacher, a husband, a brother, a father, a grandfather, a businessman, and an optimist.

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